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Old Hurricane reports

hurricane Nate REPORT

October 8

Hurricane Nate has come and gone.  Assessments across south Mississippi have been completed.  No additional response is needed at this time. 

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and your willingness to serve.  Thankfully, the storm caused no major damage. 

I’ve also been in contact with Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief and they report that they are in good shape as well. 


So, we’ll continue to focus on Orange, Texas.  Much progress continues to be made as over 70 people worked this weekend. 


I’ll update you again in the next few days.




Don Gann

Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief


FROM Sept 25

A quick update on MS Baptist Disaster Relief Hurricane Response


Irma – Florida

            The MS Baptist Disaster Relief feeding unit which has been deployed since September 14 in the Tampa, Florida area will finish its feeding mission Wednesday, September 27.  64,040 meals were prepared by two excellent teams.  Team #1 was led by Wayne Herrington, Site Leader and Gene Johnson, Blue Hat.  Team #2 is being led by Roger Foster, Site Leader and Gene Williamson, Blue Hat.  Thanks for all your prayers for these teams.


Harvey – Orange, Texas

            Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief continues to coordinate clean up/Mud out in Orange, Texas.  This weekend the team accomplished its 100th cleanup/mud out job in Orange.  That’s amazing speed to have that much work done in only two weeks.  There are still 200 + jobs left.  The feeding team at Orange has prepared 2615 meals for volunteers from the kitchen at North Orange Baptist Church.  This week, Thomas Nix will conclude his three weeks of service in Orange as Incident Commander.  Thomas has done outstanding work in running the show. 


Please continue to pray for those responding.  We can still use help in Orange through October..


More updates soon!



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 25


Update for Friday, September 22, 2017


Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief continues to minister in Texas and Florida following Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. 


Texas – Clean up in Orange, Texas continues

            Mississippi Baptists have completed 71 cleanup/mud out requests.  490 volunteers have been housed, fed and showered at North Orange Baptist Church, Orange.  166 ministry contacts have been made with three people making decisions for Christ.  2067 meals have been prepared by MS Baptist DR Feeding team.  About 250 work requests are still open. 

            If you or your church would like to work in Orange, the best way to get started is to make contact by email: with dates preferred and team size and break down (m/f).


Florida – Feeding Team, Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa area

            A team rotation was completed today in Florida with a new team of 2 replacing the team that deployed on Sept.13.  The meal counts have begun to shrink some but feeding continues. A third team is being secured to travel September 29 to take over for the current team.  If you’d like to be a part of this team, please contact the MS Baptist Disaster Relief by responding to this email.


By the numbers

Hurricane Harvey

Meals prepared in Texas by MS Baptist DR – 47,067

Volunteer Days – 665

Avg # of MS Baptists in Texas per day – 67

Cleanup/Mud out jobs complete – 69


Hurricane Irma

Meals prepared in Florida by MS Baptist DR – 57,340 (through 9/21)

Volunteer days – 260

Avg # of MS Baptists in Florida per day – 26


Total as of 9/21

Meals prepared by MS Baptist DR – 104, 407


Please find the attached new paper story on MS Baptist DR in the Tampa Tribune


Keep praying as Southern Baptist Disaster Relief continues to respond in Puerto Rico and Mexico City as well as Texas and Florida.



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 22

September 18 Evening UPDATE


Miss. Baptist Disaster Relief and Miss. Baptist Churches are undertaking a tremendous response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.  God’s people serving those affected brings help, healing and hope.  Here’s an update and invitation for your help..


  1. Hurricane Irma Response – Tampa, Florida area.

Ms Feeding Unit (18 Wheeler) with Team #1 - is on site and feeding for the 4th day.  So far over meals have been prepared by the team.  They are working hard in the HOT Florida sun.  God is using their work of  “giving a cup of cold water” or in this case a plate of hot food – in Jesus’ name. Meal counts are high and may climb.   

Team #2 will leave on Thursday, Sept 21.  We still need some more people to help on this team.  The church has power and is air conditioned. 

  2. Hurricane Harvey Response – Orange, Texas

After eight days of response in Texas, the MS Baptist Disaster Relief Incident Command team has coordinated the following numbers:

            32 – Mud out/Clean-up jobs compete

          304 – Volunteers have worked

        1458 – meals prepared for volunteers

            98 – ministry contacts

This is outstanding service.  Still over 200 work orders are open.

Teams continue to be needed.


Thanks for your prayers for all those affected and all those serving.



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 18
Sept 18

September 18 EARLY UPDATE


NOTE:  We have at least 3 people leaving on Thursday, September 21 headed to Tampa to assist in feeding.  If you can go, are willing to go, PLEASE CONTACT Bro. Walter or Bro. Jerry.


Thanks for taking a moment to read this update from Miss. Baptist Disaster Relief


Mississippi Baptists are responding to areas affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.  More help is needed.


Priority 1 – Florida Feeding Team Support –

The Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief Large Feeding unit is deployed to Idlewild Baptist Church, Lutz, Florida.(Near Tampa).  The DR team is producing meals at near the unit’s capacity of 20k meals per day.  Teams from Mississippi Baptist churches can support this operation right away.  Church teams can assist on-site in various capacities.  These church teams do not have to be DR trained. Please see the attached information.


Priority 2 – Orange, Texas Clean-up/Mud out –

Teams from Mississippi Baptist Churches can help with clean-up of homes in Orange, Texas (near Beaumont).  Teams can be housed, fed and deployed through Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief set up at North Orange Baptist Church.  Please see the attached information. 


You are welcomed to forward the attached document to churches in your area.


Thanks for your partnership,


Don Gann

Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 15

September 15 UPDATE

We are preparing to send at least one (and possibly more) team(s) to aid in the disaster.  These will go to Orange, TX, and possibly some place in Florida.  IF YOU are interested in being on one of those teams, please let me know as we are presently setting dates and places.  Thanks.


Here is Bro. Don's Latest Update:



  • The large Feeding Unit is on site and preparing meals at Idlewild Baptist Church in the Tampa area. (attached photo)

    • We still have some opening for the feeding team for Round 2 – Sept 21-29

  • Florida Baptist Disaster Relief is organizing chainsaw work into various areas of the state based on assessed needs.  When Florida makes us aware of locations for chainsaw response, I’ll let you know.



  • Clean up/ Mud out recovery in Orange, Texas continues.  Teams from Mississippi have been working hard this week. Over 500 meals were prepared this week for volunteers and others.  29 jobs were completed. Averaged 45 Mississippi volunteers on site per day

  • Shower trailer and Laundry unit on site

  • Mud out and clean up teams as well as help with feeding and in-take (helping home owners sign up for help) are needed.


I’ll update more soon,



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 13

September 13 UPDATE

Below is Bro. Don's Update from MSBAPTDR, first - here is a word from Bro. Walter and Me (Bro. Jerry);

We trained and certified 36 people on Monday evening for DR Mud-out.  Presently, we are working on a date around the first of October to send a group to Orange, TX - please stay alert for this announcement.  Also, we are planning training for "Feeding" in the very near future.  Additionally, there is a possibility of us receiving some assets which will assist us in this response.  "We are never more like Jesus than when we respond to people in need."  The people of GGBA are outstanding and we will stand together for His Kingdom's work.


Feeding Unit to Florida –

The MS Baptist Disaster Relief - 20,000 meal per day Feeding Unit - is in route to the Tampa, Florida area. A support team of Disaster Relief volunteers and equipment is also travelling today.  Please be in prayer for the team as they travel to help bring hope and the good news of Jesus Christ to those affected by Hurricane Irma. Team will be located at:

            Idlewild Baptist Church

            18333 Exciting Idlewild Blvd

            Lutz, Florida (Tampa Area)

The team rotation will be approximately every 10 days so the next team will leave Sept 21 and return Sept. 30.  We are looking to fill this team asap.  If you have these dates free and would like to go, please respond to this email.

The third rotation will be Sept 29 – October 10. 

We’ve had good response for Feeding teams but both teams still have openings.


Orange, Texas -

MS Baptist crews have completed 20 mud out/cleanup/spray jobs in just two days!  Around 60 people have come to North Orange Baptist Church so far this week to work this week.  166 work orders remain open and the requests for help grows every day.  Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief is providing the support for these teams.  We continue to need people who can cook, people who can assess requests, people who can support incident command.  If you’d like to help, please respond to this email. 


How your church can help:

  • We can use short-term volunteers in support of the feeding unit in Florida.  Encourage your church to send a team to help with this support. 

  • We can use teams from your church to do clean-up in Texas as well as help feed volunteers.

  • Financial donations to aid those affected through MS Baptist Disaster Relief – Hurricane Relief.

For more information check out the

If you have specific questions you can email


Prayer requests –

Ronnie Ferrell’s wife Shirley may be facing a liver transplant.  Please pray for them

Teams travelling

Team leaders

Those affected





Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 11

POSTED Sept 11, 2017


(FROM BRO JERRY; While this is a post from Don dated 9/8 - I just saw it this morning and believe it contains information that will help up to prepare to assist.  With IRMA having made landfall, please expect another update today)


The 50th year of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief has brought us perhaps our greatest challenge.  Harvey was catastrophic in Texas and Louisiana.  Now it looks like Irma will bring huge problems to Florida and the southeast. 

Our faith teaches us that no matter how big the storm, our God is Greater!  He calls us to bring a message of help, healing and hope to the people affected by these storms.  With His help, we will.


Hurricane Harvey update –

Attached you will find info to share with all Mississippi Baptists about the opportunity we have to coordinate Cleanup and Recovery for Orange, Texas.  We have been asked by Texas Baptist Men to adopt the Orange, Texas area (near Beaumont – just across the Louisiana line into Texas).  We will provide coordination for teams which will include Incident Command, Feeding of volunteers, Assessment, Chaplaincy, and support.  We will be working the area for at least six weeks.  If you are available to help serve in one of these capacities in the next weeks, please respond to this email with dates you might be available.

We also still have a feeding team in Corpus Christi until Monday. 


Hurricane Irma plans –

Our large feeding unit is set to roll as soon as Irma finishes her dance across the south.  We have a mostly full crew which will likely head east on Tuesday, Sept 12.  We will be swapping the feeding team out roughly every ten days. Likely we will be feeding for a month.  Please check your calendar to see when you might be available to support feeding – likely in Florida. Please respond to this email with your choice of dates.


As you can see, we will need EVERYONE who is able to step up to help in this event.   


Thanks for your prayers,



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 9

September 9, 2017


An update from MS Baptist Disaster Relief:


Orange, Texas

  • The MS Baptist Disaster Relief IC Leadership Team is on the ground in Orange, Texas.  Thomas Nix is serving as team leader.  The leadership team includes feeding, assessment, chaplaincy, and support. Mississippi Baptist mud out/cleanup teams will begin arriving Sunday.  So far, over 100 work-orders have been received.  These work orders are being assessed and prioritized  so that teams can begin work Monday. This large number of work orders shows the huge need as these have come in less than twenty-four hours.  More assessors are travelling to Orange on Sunday to assist. Please make sure your church has info about Orange, Texas.


  • Feeding team in Corpus Christi will conclude their assignment on Sunday and travel home on Monday. They have been supporting the SBTC-DR feeding unit. 


            For your information, MS Baptist Disaster Relief has shower units in Deridder, La and Katy, Texas supporting response.  Also, Donna Swarts has come out of retirement to spell Tracy Barber, Childcare Coordinator for TBM, for several days. 


Hurricane Irma

            The Feeding Unit is ready for deployment in Florida.  With the storm track still somewhat uncertain, the team will travel this week,  though departure is uncertain.  A shower unit is ready to deploy with the feeding unit. 


Please keep in mind that we will need volunteers for several weeks in Texas and Florida.  If you haven’t already done so, please check your calendar and let us know when you are available so we can plan. 


At church on Sunday, you may be asked about how to donate for the Hurricane Response.  Churches and individuals can donate to the Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief – Hurricane Relief by sending a check to MBCB Disaster Relief (with Hurricane Relief in the memo).  P.O. Box 530 Jackson, MS 39205

Online giving is also available at

All donations go directly to help victims with none going to administrative or personnel costs.


Please pray for:

  • Those in the track of Hurricane Irma. 

  • Florida Baptist Convention Disaster Relief who will be affected by the hurricane themselves while responding to needs of people in the state and coordinating teams coming in.

  • Those in Texas still affected by Hurricane Harvey

  • Southern Baptists who are responding to these disasters

  • Mississippi teams who are responding and will be soon, for safety as they travel and effectiveness as they minister.


More info soon,



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Thursday, September 7, 2017


The Video on our Facebook page gives today's update.  Don Gann (MS Baptist DR Director) returned from Orange, Texas.   We have now been asked to carry teams to Orange and assist with 'mud-out' and 'clean-up'.  If you or your church would be able to go, please let me know and I'll be glad to assist you in getting connected. (Bro. J)

Sept 5 & 7

September 3, 2017

Here’s an update from MS Baptist Disaster Relief -  Hurricane Harvey Response


Feeding team #1 has arrived in Corpus Christi, Texas to man the SBTC Feeding unit there.  The unit has been operational since Harvey passed the location.  Feeding is still needed in the area.


Feeding team #2 will depart Tuesday morning, Sept. 5 to travel to Victoria, Texas to man the TBM Feeding unit there. 


Today we were asked by the Salvation Army to be on standby to man their large feeding unit should it be mobilized to Houston this week.  So, if  the unit is deployed we’ll be seeking 15 people to serve.


Mud out teams are needed in Vinton, Louisiana beginning this week.  Some 300 homes were flooded in the area.  Louisiana is hoping to have a large response to address this need over the next couple of weeks.  I’ll get information out to you in tomorrow’s update (hopefully).


The response to Texas is still in the early stages.  Huge work has been and is being done by Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.  Please pray for the response of MS Baptists and the whole SBC Disaster Relief family.


AND we’re still monitoring Hurricane Irma. 


Thanks for all you do



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Mississippi Baptist Convention Board

Tuesday, September 05, 2017


  • Feeding Team working with SBTC kitchen in Corpus Christi, Texas.  22 MS Baptist DR volunteers on site

  • Shower Trailer – Katy, TX

  • Shower Trailer – DeRidder, LA


New info:

  • Texas Baptist Men has asked Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief to coordinate teams to Orange, Texas. Wednesday, we’ll be traveling to Orange to meet with church officials and get things moving to begin deploying recovery teams into the Orange County, Texas area.  More information will be made available in Wednesday’s update.

  • Feeding unit on stand-by for Hurricane Irma response.




Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Sept 3

August 31, 2017

Good afternoon,

Updating Hurricane Harvey response:

  • Two Mississippi shower trailers have been mobilized to Texas.  They should be up and running soon. 

  • Flooding is continuing in Louisiana. 

  • MS will likely be asked to send feeding volunteers to man feeding units that are in place in TX.  A huge volume of food is being prepared each day.  We will let you know as mobilization is needed. 

  • The first areas for mud out teams may be known in the next day or so.  We will send teams from MS to support this as requested.


Tropics still active – Currently monitoring Hurricane Irma – some models show a possible Gulf impact.


Prayer Requests:

Texas and Louisiana – pray for those affected and those responding.

David Patterson – MS Baptist Disaster Relief Task Force member from Crystal Springs – Surgery today Rotator Cuff


More updates tomorrow.



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Mississippi Baptist Convention Board

Aug 31

August 30, 2017 (FOLLOW UP)

he Southern Baptist Response to Hurricane Harvey continues to build.  The two Texas Baptist Conventions are coordinating a massive response in affected areas and support for evacuees.  By Friday, Southern Baptist mobile feeding sites will be preparing 135,000 meals per day.  Two additional large feeding units will be in place by Monday, Sept. 4 to bring the total 250,000 meals per day.  That’s nearly 2 million meals per week.


At this time, this is still considered a Tier One response by  Texas government and law enforcement officials.  This  means the priorities are :  Search and Rescue; Feeding, and Sheltering.  Until a shift is made to a Tier Two response, no out of state mud-out or chainsaw teams will be invited into the state.


Flooding near the Texas/Louisiana state line in Port Arthur/Beaumont is ongoing.  Assessment of this area cannot take place until flood waters recede.


It is unclear whether our feeding unit will be mobilized or not.  It may be that we will need to support feeding on one of the units in place when current teams need to switch out.  Or our unit may be deployed to an area that is currently flooding.  Also, mud-out and chainsaw teams will be needed for weeks. 


I know this is an agonizingly slow process for those of us who are chomping at the bit to go.  All of us are ready to aggressively respond.  Although the need is great, and desire to help strong, it is important to remember that we are all part of the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief team nationally and we will support our partnering states as they invite us to do.  This will be a long response and if you’re willing to go, that opportunity will come. 


The best thing we can do right now is pray.  Please pray for those who are directly impacted by the storms.  Pray for family members who are separated because of flooding.  Pray for First Responders.  Pray for Southern Baptist responders.  Pray that people will come to salvation


I’ll keep you update as news becomes available.



Men’s Ministry/Disaster Relief

Mississippi Baptist Convention Board

Aug 30

August 30, 2017

First - from the GGBA - while I know we have a great desire and capacity to assist those in the disaster area, I know because I was a Katrina pastor about sending the right things at the right time with the right man-power.  Already we have heard stories of people (these are good & well-intending people) who have been turned back because the help they were offering was too much too soon.  Either Daily or every other day, conference calls between our director and the directors on the ground in Texas are taking place.  These help us to know exactly HOW we can fit in to make the most effective use of our efforts, dollars, and supplies.  Please be patient because this disaster relief will not be over in a few days, this will take longer than the Katrina recovery.  Please feel free to call me if you have someone 'specific' in Texas who needs assistance and has not received it.  I'll need their name, address, and the type of help they may need.  We will get a work order established with those people who are presently on the ground.  



Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief continues on standby status

Tropical Storm Harvey continues to bring catastrophic flooding to southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana. Harvey will likely go down in history as one of the United States’ worst flood disasters. Many victims have lost everything, including hope. Southern Baptists are already meeting the physical needs of many people affected while sharing the hope of Jesus Christ. Texas Baptist Men, the Disaster Relief team from Southern Baptists of Texas convention, and Louisiana Baptist Convention Disaster Relief are leading the response.

Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief remains on standby for response. A national conference call with all Southern Baptist Disaster Relief national and state leadership on Aug. 29 found all forty-two state conventions ready to assist in any way. Leadership asked other states, Mississippi included, to do the following things:

Pray – Please pray for those who are directly impacted by the storms. Pray for family members who are separated because of flooding. Pray for First Responders. Pray for Southern Baptist responders. Pray that people will come to salvation through all of this.

Patience – All of us are ready to aggressively respond. Although the need is great and desire to help is strong, it is important to avoid sending material goods or self-deploying to help until communities are safe and public officials and disaster relief organizations have had an opportunity to assess the damage and identify the specific unmet needs.

Prepare – This will be a long-term response. Teams from Mississippi Baptist churches will be needed for a long time into the future to help with cleanup and ministry. Prepare now by:

— Making sure tetanus and other inoculations are up-to-date. This is strongly recommended.

— Gathering your team and beginning to decide how, when, and where you can serve.

— Completing background checks for all team members. This is required by Texas authorities. The background checks must be within the last three years.  Background checks can be done through several ‘protect my ministry’ type organizations. Here is just one:

— Texas authorities require volunteers to register and be affiliated with an identifiable group (such as your church).

— Watch this training video:

— Spiritually prepare yourself to share the hope of Jesus Christ, whenever and wherever it is needed.

Financial donations may be given through MBDR and will go directly to support victim recovery in partnership with local Baptist churches and associations. Donations may be made on-line at Checks made payable to the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, designated “Hurricane Relief” on the memo line, may be mailed to MBCB, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530.

At the present time, MBDR has no provisions for in-kind donations (clothing, furniture, etc.).

August 28, 2017

MBDR preparing to assist Hurricane Harvey recovery

Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief (MBDR), a ministry of the Men’s Ministry Department of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (MBCB), is on STANDBY for response to Hurricane Harvey’s landfall in the Houston, Texas, area.

Mobilization of the MBDR large feeding unit will likely occur on Tuesday, Aug. 29, or Wednesday, Aug. 30. Meal counts will likely be at unit capacity of 15,000 to 20,000 meals per day. Trained MBDR volunteers will man the feeding unit upon its deployment.

Also, MBDR recovery teams (mud out/chainsaw) will be mobilized to affected areas as soon as requested by Texas Baptists.

In Southern Baptist life, affected state Baptist conventions coordinate disaster response in their respective states. In this case, both Texas Baptist conventions affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention – the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) and Southern Baptists of Texas Convention (SBTC) — have large and effective Disaster Relief teams. Their response has already begun. MBDR does not self-deploy but works in partnership with our Baptist brothers and sisters in the affected state. MBDR is packed and ready, awaiting their instructions.

Here are some action steps we encourage you and your church to take today:

Pray for those so desperately impacted by the storm. Many are displaced. Many have lost precious belongings. Some are concerned about their jobs because their places of employment are flooded. The early days after a disaster are naturally filled with chaos.

Pray for those responding to this historic disaster. Texas Baptist Men and SBTC are responding now. They have excellent teams facing an enormous challenge.

Pray for other faith-based disaster response groups.

At the present time, MBDR has no provisions for in-kind donations (clothing, furniture, etc.). Financial donations may be given through MBDR and will go directly to support victim recovery in partnership with local Baptist churches and associations. Donations may be made on-line at Checks made payable to the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, designated “Hurricane Relief” on the memo line, may be mailed to MBCB, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530.

Pray that God will use even these difficult days to lead people to salvation.

Aug 30

August 29, 2017

Yesterday, I began updates on this page for the aftermath and response to Hurricane Harvey.  Today I offer a couple of updates.  First, here is the link for giving directly to the Disaster Relief Ministry of MS, which will go directly to the stricken area.  (At the bottom of this page is a list of church names and numbers which you will need to give).  Click here to give online.

Here is a Message from Bro. Walter along with a message received last yesterday from Don Gann, the Mississippi Disaster Relief (DR) Director .


From Bro. Walter Mixon - DR Director for GGBA

Good Morning!!!


Update on our DR response to Harvey. Bro. Jerry and I have been in contact for the last several days with Don Gann, MBCB Disaster Relief Coordinator as well as several other DR Relief officials and coordinators.


We have been trying to develop a specific response for the George/Greene Baptist Association. As you know the response to this devastating disaster will be ongoing with many different phases and facets. With that in mind, our first response and duty is to pray.  "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2 KJV


We can "bear" one another's burdens by praying for them.


Second, MBCB DR volunteers and assets or on standby at this time. The "phase" of the response at this time is, (SAR), Search and Rescue. We do not do SAR. Our role is Disaster Relief.


Third, we, George/Greene Baptist, are a loving and generous people. We can give of our money. Every penny given to our response to any DR Relief need, is used specifically for that purpose. There are no administrative fees taken from it. I would encourage you to give financially to your Church, money earmarked for Disaster Relief. This money can be forwarded to the GGBA Mission office. The money will then go specifically to the MBCB "Hurricane Harvey" DR Response.


The following is an e-mail from Don Gann. It will give you and idea of the ongoing response to this disaster.

Hello Everyone,

Wanted to update you on things with our Hurricane Harvey response. 

  • Today’s  Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Conference Call –

    • Southern Baptists are already very busy in Texas.  Flooding is limiting the response but Texas Baptists are feeding 30,000 meals per day in shelters and various sites where they’ve been able to respond.

    • Texas Baptists are in Rockport which was the city hit when the eye of Hurricane Harvey came ashore.  There is no power or water available but Texas Baptist teams are providing meals and recovery work.

    • Teams are also in Victoria feeding in partnership with the Salvation Army.

    • Shower trailers/Laundry units are positioned throughout the affected areas

    • Feeding teams are at the Uvalde Evacuation center

  • In the Houston area most major roads are flooded.  The Governor has asked out of state volunteers to delay coming to Texas at this time.  He cited several faith-based groups who had made their way into Houston, got caught in the flood and had to be rescued … so adding to the problem rather than helping.

  • National Weather service is predicting up to 20 inches of additional rain in the Houston area before Wednesday.


So what’s the plan for Mississippi Baptists Disaster Relief?

  1.  We will remain on STANDBY for Texas.  You remember that our protocol is that the affected state coordinates the response.  We work with them and for them.  When they ask us, we will be ready to move.  But we will not move until they ask.  We don’t self-deploy and we discourage anyone from doing so.

  2. We will monitor flooding needs that may arise in Louisiana as Harvey makes its way north east and help if needed.

  3. We will monitor possible flooding in MS from Harvey and respond as needed.

  4. We will watch the next developing system in the Atlantic and pray it doesn’t make landfall.

  5. We will pray for those affected and those responding.


Several have asked about donations.  As far as ‘in kind’ donations (bottled water, diapers, etc), at this point we have no places identified that can receive these kinds of donations.  On the conference call, Texas Baptists asked us to consider already beginning to collecting building materials for rebuild which will desperately be needed in the weeks ahead. 

Also, financial donations can be sent to Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief – Hurricane Relief- in the memo line – Address below


Disaster Relief

Mississippi Baptist Convention Board

P.O. Box 530

Jackson, MS.  39205


Onine giving is available at


I know it’s a waiting process and we all hate to wait, but we’ll respond soon and for the long-term.


When we have more - I'll post it here and link it from Facebook.  My phone is open to speak with about our response as is our GGBA DR Director, Bro. Walter Mixon.  Thanks.

Aug 29

August 28, 2017​

Please be in prayer for our friends, family, brothers, sisters, and all of God's creation who are impacted by the storm in Texas.  This is a devastating event.  Bro. Walter Mixon (the GGBA Disaster Relief) and I are working with the State and National DR People to respond in the most effective way possible.  Check this page and the Facebook page for updates.  One of the things WE KNOW we will need is $$$$.  If you give to your church, they can forward it to the GGBA and we will see that it gets passed on to the right people in Texas.

Aug 28
bottom of page